Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tonight's leader & committee meetings Cancelled

Please be advised that we are canceling tonight's leader & committee meetings.
Jan. 21, is the next scheduled meeting. Please pass the word around.

Tonight's leader & committee meetings Cancelled

Please be advised that we are canceling tonight's leader & committee meetings.
Jan. 21, is the next scheduled meeting. Please pass the word around.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Thanks to everyone who sold popcorn this year. 11 boys sold $6,827.00 worth of popcorn. The boys get to keep a little more than 15% and the troop keeps a little more than 15% (or $1,126.46)!!

Top seller was Jeff Mele ($1,808), who received an extra $13 WalMart card for a prize.
In 2nd place was Eli Gates ($1,603), who received a multi-tool with compass.
In 3rd place was John Harper ($1,008), who received a Trails End t-shirt and baseball cap.

These 3 boys, plus Jake Jendrzejcyk and Mate Cote also filled at least one form, and so received a marshmallow blaster, a special fill-r-up patch, and a certificate. Jeff and Eli also received additional special patches and a $50 WalMart card for exceeding $1,500!

Well done!
Mrs. DeMore

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Brian Klotzbier's Eagle COH Saturday Dec 12

The rehearsal for Brian Klotzbier's Eagle COH is 7:00 pm this Friday Dec 11th, at St. Patrick's Church.
The ceremony is Saturday Dec 12th, at 10:00 am. Scouts with parts need to be at the church by 9:00 am.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Popcorn Pick up

I will be picking up the popcorn on Thursday at 5. It will be available
for pick up on Friday, 4-6 (I leave at 6 for a birthday dinner). You
can also come by on the weekend, but perhaps only Sunday...can you let
me know if that would be a problem? I may be out of town all day

Thanks. Sylvia

Brian Klotzbier's Eagle Ceremony

Brian Klotzbier's Eagle Ceremony is scheduled for December 12th at 10:00 AM at St. Patrick's Church, with a reception immediately following at the VFW. If you are planning to attend please let me know by December 5th either by email to this address or by calling my cell 860-652-5953. Thanks

Rich Klotzbier

No Meeting Dec 1

Due to a VFW District dinner being held this Tuesday at the post there will be no meeting. Next meeting will be December 8

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day Weekend

Thanks to everyone who came out this weekend and helped with our Veterans Day Flags, and breakfast. We had a large turn out from the Troop at both events. Remember that help is needed this Saturday to retrieve the Flags.
Mr. Harper

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Leader Training

It has been mandated by BSA that every adult involved with the Troop, leaders & Committee members, take the Youth Protection Training. Please go to the link with your BSA Id number and take the online course. At the end printout your certificate and give it to Mrs. Long. The Troop is required to have records of everyones participation in the program, and your cooperation is appreciated.
Mr. Harper

Summer Camp 2010

I know some of you will think that it is a little early to be thinking about Summer Camp but we would like to try and offer the troop some options. Here is a link to the Cape Cod & Islands Maritime Trek flyer from last year. I can't guarantee that the format will be exactly the same, but it should be similar. They only offer this program weeks 2&3 which are July 11-17, 18-24. So we need to know how many are interested in this, and which week is preferred so we can make the reservations, find leaders, and arrange vacation times. Please let either Joe Weber or Ken Harper know you interest as soon as possible. Thanks!
Mr. Harper

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Popcorn Forms Due Nov. 3

Just a reminder that popcorn forms and whatever payments you've collected as you've sold are due to Mrs. DeMore at the Nov. 3 troop meeting.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Camporee Postponed

We will not be attending the camporee this weekend due to weather. It has been postponed to November 7th. Anyone interested in attending this new date should contact me or Drew Gates by Oct. 19th.
Mr. Harper

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

VFW Flags for Fallen Vets

The VFW has asked for our help with the placing of 5,800 flags to honor Fallen Veterans.
Saturday November 7, 2009, at State Veterans Cemetary in Middletown. We will meet at the Cemetery at 8am. We will remove the flags on Saturday November 14th.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Advancements Must be Submitted Online by Mrs. DeMore

Council has instituted a new policy that all advancements (rank, merit badges and awards) must be recorded through the Council's internet advancement system, which means they must go through Mrs. DeMore, who has access to the site. Once they are entered online, Mrs. DeMore must print a report, sign it, and deliver it to Council in order to pick up the badges. No badges can be purchased at the store without the appropriate signed report.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Troop Leave No Trace Trainer Position

The Troop Leave No Trace Trainer is one of Scoutings newest youth leadership positions reponsible for facilatating the Leave No Trace training for all Scouting Activities. Leave No Trace training enriches the Scouting experience for the members, reduces our impact on the land consistent with Scouting's historic message, and will help ensure continuing access to public lands for Scouting purposes. Only a Scout who has completed a BSA Leave No Trace Trainer Course is qualified to serve in this leadership position. This course will be offered at Camp Tadma on Oct. 16-18. Anyone interested should talk with the SPL and The Scoutmaster.

Websites : BSA Teaching Leave No Trace Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics Leave No Trace Programs & Principles

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Alex Long Eagle COH

The scouts and families of troop 8 are invited to attend the Eagle Scout court of honor for Alexander Matthew long.

9:30 am Saturday October 3, 2009 at St. Bridget of Kildare Church, 75 Moodus Leesville Rd Moodus, CT. A reception will follow after the ceremony in Marian Hall.

Please RSVP by September 21. Call 267-7394 or e-mail:

Monday, August 31, 2009

Court of Honor

The Fall Court of Honor has been scheduled for Sept. 18, 19, 20. Please contact Mr. Long to set-up your Scoutmaster Conference by Mon. Sept 7th. Also, all merit badge blue cards must be submitted to Mrs. Demore by Tues. Sept. 8th.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Leaders & Committee Meeting

Reminder, there will be a leaders meeting starting at 7:00 and Committee meeting at 7:30, Monday Aug. 31, at the VFW.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Popcorn Sale Information

I know you probably think this is too early for popcorn…but since we have only one meeting in August, I (actually, Mr. DeMore) plan to distribute the forms tomorrow at the troop meeting, because the popcorn sale kicks off on AUGUST 22!! Forms and payment are due to me Nov. 3.

New this year – every scout who fills at least one order sheet will receive a Marshmallow Blaster!! You will also be entered in a WEEKLY drawing for a free iPod shuffle or a $50 Wal-Mart gift card. The drawing begins August 22nd and runs through Nov. 13 (copies of your filled forms must be submitted to me for submission to Council).

ADDITIONALLY . . . . . . .

Every filled take order form gives you an EXTRA chance to enter into the Grand Prize drawing for:

1st Prize - Desktop Computer System

2nd Prize - Wii Game System

3rd Prize - iPod Nano

Other new things this year – online ordering will be easier and you can set your own password instead of using the XGKL19301834 style password assigned to you last year.

Trails End and CT Rivers are again running a photo contest – take a great photo of you related to the popcorn sale and be entered for a prize ($50 Wal-Mart card from CTRivers; other prizes from Trails End (check out winners here) and the possibility of having your photo on a popcorn box next year (there was a CT cub scout winner in 2008).

Some of the products have changed, as well…check it out here:

Let me know if you have any questions. Mrs. DeMore

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mt Katahdin Final Planning

Final Planning and Backpack inspection for Mt. Katahdin trip at August 11th Troop meeting.

Leaders & Committee Meetings

Just a reminder there will be a leaders meeting at 7:00 & a Committee meeting at 7:30 tonight at the VFW.

Chester Fair Parking Sign-up

The Sign-up sheet for the Chester Fair has been email to all scouts and leaders. It can also be found on the troop website. Please select your availability and Mr. Dean will assign slots in an effort to distribute the time evenly among the scouts.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Trail to Eagle Resources

I have compiled a list of websites that I think will be very useful to you and your parents should you wish to consider becoming an Eagle Scout. They are on the Troop 8 website, and here on the blog.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Chester Fair Parking

Mr. Dean has arranged for Troop 8 to do the Chester Fair Parking again this year. The Dates are Aug. 28 - 30. He is preparing sign up sheets that will be available soon. This is an excellent opportunity to earn money for Troop 8 activities like West Point, Mt. Katahdin, or Summer Camp. This will be his last year running this fundraiser and we are looking for someone new to work with him too take it over. Any questions please call Mike Dean, 860- 391-2054.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Things to Know

There is no troop meeting tonight - Tuesday July 7.
Old Home Day booth setup Wednesday, July 8.
Summer Troop meetings:
July 14 at Salmon River – softball game
August 11
Mr. Long checking status of Chester Fair Parking gig.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Next Tuesday

Hi everyone, next Tuesday June 23, we will be meeting at my home 30 Summit Street, for a pool party and cookout at 6:30. Bring a suit, a towel, a chair and a smile with your side dish to share. In the event of rain a regular meeting will be held at the VFW. See you then.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Mt. Katahdin Deposit Due

All those going on the trip to Mt. Katahdin are reminded that a $50 per person deposit is due this Tuesday 6/16. Please make checks payable to Troop 8 and give to Mrs. Latimer at the meeting. If you will not be at this meeting please bring the checks to the following meeting or mail them in to her.
Thanks, Doug

Friday, June 12, 2009

East Hampton Sign Repair

Sign repair for Thursday night is cacelled!
Next sign repair ---Sunday June 14th 1:00-3:00

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Congratulations to Drew Gates, troop 8's new Senoir Patrol Leader.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Mount Katahdin Trip

Posted to the Troop Website is the itinerary of our August trip to Baxter State Park and

Mount Katahdin. At the 6/9 meeting, participants will be asked for a

commitment to go on the trip and a deposit will be required the

following week. Please read the entire document for cost and equipment



SPL Elections

Troop this Tuesday will be the Senior Patrol Leader election for 2009-2010. To date I have heard from (2) scouts interested in runnung. If you will be a Star scout and 14 years old by September 1st and would like to run please e-mail me so I can put your name on the ballot. On Tuesday you will need to be in your class A+ uniform and present a 2 minute speech to the troop on your qualifications and accomplishments.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Retiring the Flag Ceremony

Tuesday night Troop 8 held their annual Flag Retirement Ceremony. The Event was attended by VFW Post 5095, and our scouts performed admirably.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Retire the Flag

Just a reminder that Tuesday (6/2) is a class A event (full uniforms). We will be retiring the worn flags collected during flags and flowers. Please bring all flags collected to Tuesday's meeting. Also if you have any american flags at home that need to be retired please bring those as well.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Flags & Flowers

Troop 8 planted Flags and flowers to honor all the men and women of East Hampton for their service to our coounty. We had a great turn out last night. The troop with the VFW has been doing this for a number of years and we'd like to thank everyone who participated.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mothers Day Breakfast

Thanks to everyone for a great job Sunday. The Troop raised over $1,000 for the Why Me cancer support group.

Monday, May 4, 2009

West Point 2009

Congratulations to Troop 8 for demonstrating their skills and teamwork at the 2009 West Point Scoutmaster's Council Invitational Camporee. This year 3,200 Scouts competed and Troop 8 once again distinguished themselves by earning 3rd place for fire building, 2nd for Swiss Seat tying, and 2nd for Land Navigation. The most single event awards we have ever received! Excellent Job!

Eagle Project Upate

Thanks to all who helped install the Middlesex Land Trust Sign. It was a beautiful day and we got a lot done. As you may remember we hit "a few rocks" and were unable to plant the sign below the frost line. So, I am having a load of fill dropped off to raise the ground around the sign and I will need some help spreading it out. We will also use the remaining cement and pour a platform base for the sign. Anyone who is available to help can meet me at the site, across from St. Clements Castle on Rt. 66 at 9:00 am on May 23rd.

Erik Harper

T-Shirt Deadline Extended

The Deadline for T-shirts and Sweatshirts has been extended to Tuesday May 5th.
Prices are:
Tee shirts sizes small to X-Large $6.50 XX-Large $7.50
Crew Neck Sweatshirts sizes small to X-Large $12.25 XX-Large $14.25
Hooded Neck Sweatshirts sizes small to X-Large $18.50 XX-Large $20.50
The order will go in this week so we have them for summer camp. This is the last chance to order.

Checks should be payable to Sue Harper. Any Questions please call Mrs. Harper at 365-0555.

Summer Camp Money Due

A friendly Reminder.
Please submit the JN Webster registration form and payment of $325 to Joe Weber no later than May 15th

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mother's Day Breakfast

VFW Mother's Day is May 10th. Be at the VFW by 7:30 dressed in class A's.

Money Due - Class B Shirts & Sweat Shirts

Reminder that April 28th is the deadline for ordering Class B shirts and sweatshirts. Money due is also due tonight.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Leaders & Committee Meetings

Don't forget 4th monday of the month meetings tonight.
Leaders at 7:00
Committee at 7:30

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back Pack Inspection

Next Tuesday night back pack inspection for West Point.

Eagle Projects

Brian Klotzbier's

- April 25th
- 9:00 AM
- Barton Hill Firehouse
- Just bring yourself, no tools needed
- Bring Raingear if needed
Brian'sBulleted List phone number is 267-6322

Erik Harper's
-April 25 at 1:00
-Time 1:00
-Meet at St. Clement's Drive Way
-no tools just work gloves
Erik's Phone number 365-0555

Sunday, April 19, 2009

West Point

To help you get ready for our upcoming West Point Trip I have added information
about Lightweight Backpacking and what to pack to the troop website. Check it out!

Class B Tees and Sweatshirts

Orders for tee and sweatshirts are now being accepted. Brian Ewing will have the order form available at the the next Troop meeting. Orders have to be submitted with a check by April 28th.

Prices are:
Tee shirts sizes small to X-Large $6.50 XX-Large $7.50
Crew Neck Sweatshirts sizes small to X-Large $12.25 XX-Large $14.25
Hooded Neck Sweatshirts sizes small to X-Large $18.50 XX-Large $20.50

Checks should be payable to Sue Harper. Any Questions please call Mrs. Harper at 365-0555.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

McLean property Camp Out

This weekends camp out is taking place at the McLean property at 26 Depot Hill Rd. Directions to Fri. night 6pm meeting place: coming from East Hampton, turn right onto Depot Hill Rd.Traveling up Depot Hill Rd. bear right at the fork and go up the hill. Turn right onto long dirt road (26 Depot Hill) at the top of the hill just before the paved driveway of 28 Depot Hill (there is a sign). Continue down driveway to the last house and follow the signs to the parking area. Questions? call me at 860-267-7712 see you there, Aaron.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Summer Camp T-Shirts

It's been our experience that many of the boys wind up purchasing a souvenir t-shirt during their week at summer camp. So, we thought it would be a good idea to get the one they offer that not only has the JNWebster logo on the back, but also our troop name on the front. If you are interested, please take a look at the T-shirt order form and submit the money ($15), size and color choice to Mr. Weber along with the registration by May15th. The shirts come in Military Green, Khaki or Red and it's one shirt color per troop so the majority decision will prevail.
Also, a sheet for ordering Troop 8 Class B T-shirts and sweatshirts will be available soon.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Summer Camp

The summer camp forms for our week at JN Webster, July 5-11, are available for download on the Troop 8 site.
Please give the completed JNW Registration form and payment of $325 to Joe Weber no later than May 15th. The remaining forms will be due no later than June 15th.
Feel free to visit JN Webster for more information. Including what to bring to camp and Summer Camp A-Z.

Click here to view the 2009 Summer Program Guide.
The Trail to Eagle, Provo, and AdVenture Camp Guide will be out soon.

Troop 8 Merit Badge Counselors List

Here is a link to the list of Merit Badge Counselors we have within Troop 8.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Leader & Committee Meetings

Monday March 30 at 7:00 will be a leaders meeting and 7:30 will be a committe meeting. Both will be held at the VFW. Hope to see you there.

Pacesetter Dinner

Last night Aron Mele, Drew Gates, Brian Klotzbier, Mike Demore, Erik Harper, and John Harper all attended a fund raiser in Hartford. They were responsible for collecting all the pledge cards from the various tables. They conducted themselves with courtesy and respect.
See Photo

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This blog is for everyone to use to communicate with others in the troop.
Feel free to ask questions or make suggestions.