Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chester Fair Parking

I'd like to share with you an email we received from our contact at the Chester Fair.

"Congratulations on conducting a great Fair parking event! As wild a time as it can be at times, I think that it went extremely well."

Kim Price

I too would like to thank all who participated in continuing to making this one of our most successful fundraising events. We were paid enough this year to give each worker approximately $9 per hour. The money will be placed into their scout accounts and can be used for summer camp, uniforms, equipment, and Troop events.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

September Court of Honor - 9/17-19

The September Court of Honor will be the weekend of September 17th. Anyone who is ready for a rank advancement (and most of the new boys are probably ready for Tenderfoot) must schedule a Scoutmaster's Conference with Mr. Long (267-7394) no later than Sept. 6 and a Board of Review with Mrs. Long no later than Sept. 7.

Completed merit badge cards, signed by Mr. Long, must be submitted to Mrs. DeMore by Sept. 7.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Popcorn Time!!

Mrs. DeMore will attend the August 10th meeting to distribute popcorn order forms. Selling popcorn is important because it generates income for the Troop to carry out our activities and income to the Council to serve our Troop. Most important, however, is that the Troop splits the profits with you - approximately 16% of what you sell goes into your account to be used for any expenses, like summer camp.

There have been some changes for this year, including:
  • Better prizes - Walmart gift cards are available at every level (beginning with sales totaling $250) and Amazon gift cards are available if you sell $450 or more, and the gift card values have increased!
  • Better flavor (and they've changed the butter flavor ingredients so your house won't smell anymore)!
  • Environmentally friendly packaging - no more tins!
  • Marshmallow blaster cross-bows available to everyone who sells $600 or more - to be demonstrated on Tuesday!

You can begin selling tomorrow. Forms and order money collected are due back to Mrs. DeMore by November 9th.

Find out more at http://www.trails-end.com/trailsend/scouts