Friday, February 5, 2010

Summer Camp 2010

It's time to start thinking about Summer Camp for the boys this year. I don't know about you, but when I think about scouting, the activities and experiences at Summer Camp top my list of what it's all about to be a scout.
We'd like to offer something a little different this year for the boys that have been going to Webster for a number of years in a row. We're opting for week 3 (July 18-23) because it is one of two weeks that they are offering the Cape Cod Trek - week 2 is already booked up. This way, we can have some of the boys - especially the new scouts who need to go through the Trail to First Class - stay at camp to earn merit badges and experience the traditional week of camp, while the others join us for the first night and then go out to Cape Cod for the week. Take at look at the information that JN Webster has posted about the Trek - it looks like a great experience. It's a bit more expensive ($420 instead of $350) but it promises to be a unique experience.
We have 8 boys signed up to go to the National Jamboree for two weeks following our week at camp, so unless any of them would also like to join us at camp, it appears that we'll probably have fewer boys than usual this year. We need to send a deposit to council in a few weeks, so we'd like to get some idea of how many boys expect to join us this year at camp. So, PLEASE, respond to this message and let us know if you will DEFINITELY, PROBABLY or WILL NOT be joining us. We'd like to get a response from everyone in order to make an accurate estimate. No monetary deposit is due from you at this time. Camp fees will be due at the end of May for those attending. You can respond to the Troop email, or directly to Joe Weber at

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