Wednesday, April 28, 2010



The Troop will be attending JN Webster Summer Camp this summer from July 18 - 23. There are 2 separate programs to choose from:

  1. Regular summer camp including all programs and activities at JN Webster in Ashford - cost: $330. Here is the link for the program guide, forms and information:
  2. Cape Cod Trek open to scouts 13 years old and older - cost $420. Check this link to get more information:

We will be submitting a roster to council by May 21st, indicating who will be attending each program. So...within the next few weeks (May 18th at the latest) please let Joe Weber know if you plan to attend and submit payment to the troop for the appropriate amount. The registration forms are on page 5 & 6 of this document: Fill out the Specialty Camp form on page 5 if you're attending the Cape Cod Trek and fill out page 6 if you're attending regular camp.

That's all we need for now - the registration form and the payment. We'll deal with the medical forms, merit badge sign-ups and assorted other details a few weeks prior to camp. Any parents/leaders who also want to attend are welcome. If we exceed the 5 boys per leader ratio, we'll have to pay a nominal $15 per day for food. Keep in mind, however, that in order to attend, you must be a registered leader with the scouts. Here is a link to the application form:

So....LET'S GET READY FOR SUMMER CAMP. Any questions, contact:

Joe Weber

860-267-6114 (home)

860-754-4363 (cell)

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