Tuesday, January 3, 2012

ASM Meeting

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope everybody has had a wonderful holiday season and their year is off to a great start. 

As mentioned before (and below), we are holding an Assistant Scoutmaster Meeting on January 4th at 7:00 at the East Hampton High School.  Betsy Gates was kind enough to reserve a room for us (Thanks Betsy!); once we have that room assignment back from the school, we'll let you know. 

While this is an ASM Meeting, ALL ADULT LEADERS, PARENTS, AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE!!  I've copied the ASMs, Committee members, and some other parents.  Please forward this to anyone you would like to see attend and participate in this meeting.  

Attached is the agenda of what we'd like to go over.  The most urgent item on the agenda is preparation for the Troop Planning meeting to be held on January 28th.  

Please review the attached agenda and supporting documents.  Call or email me with questions and ideas.  Thanks.  

We look forward to your participation and assistance to make 2012 a great year for your boys!  Thanks. 

Dave Terry - Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 8

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