Monday, August 4, 2014

2014 Adirondack Canoe Trip Photos!!

Hello Troop 8 - we have returned from an epic 45 mile Canoe Trip in the Adirondacks, and I'm happy to report that Chase Arnold, Eli Gates, Seth Adam Gilman, Jon Terry, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Gates, and Mr. Terry had an awesome trip!  Here are some pictures from this fantastic adventure.  Enjoy.  Mr. Terry.

Monday brought us just a LITTLE rain and wind on Long Lake...

 We decided we needed some tinder to start a fire in the rain.  Mr. Arnold's survival knife came in really handy in making small pieces of wood from big ones!  The package of wood and lighter fluid we found in a lean-to helped a bit too!
 On Tuesday morning, once the rain cleared, Long Lake was beautiful!

 It took us a while to dry things out...

 Back on the river, heading toward the Raquette River

 On the Raquette River.

 At the Raquette River Lean-to after portaging around Raquette Falls.

 Mr. Terry....there's a bug in my eye!
 Wednesday was beautiful on the River!

 Our trusty canoes resting up!

 A comfy Adirondack chair that we thought could be a good model for a fundraising idea!

 Back on the Raquette River.


 We seem to have lost our canoe amongst these flowers!

 Time for a little swim in the River!

 That's an interesting fire, very interesting indeed!
 Drying out shoes!

 Troop 8 ingenuity - our seat repair (the Guide broke it!) after the support bracket broke.

 Thursday was mostly beautiful, but we had about an hour and a half of thunderstorms. We pulled into a public campground for lunch, supplemental food (yeah!) and a throw-back to about 1972 - including candy cigarettes!
 Tupper Lake was a beautiful.
 That's a mighty big cliff!

 Hi Mr. Terry - take my picture in front of this big cliff!
 Just sittin' here on this hill watching nature.
 What's Troop 8 do when we're done paddling 45 miles?  Well, we go climbing, of course!!

 The 65 foot, 4-sided climbing tower!

 Our crew including our guide....Justin?, Jeremy?, Jason?, Joseph?,...oh,'s Jordan!
 Mr. Gates rocking the climbing wall - his first time ever!

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